Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I'm back...again!

So once again, it has been quite a while! I have not been the best at blogging, but really like the idea of my kids being able to read this when they get older, so here goes another try! A lot has happened since June! So let me try to catch you up...quick version :)

In July, Grady started eating baby food, we celebrated 4th of July with Ellie, celebrated Gretchen's 2nd birthday, celebrated Mariette's 21st birthday, and Cynthia's bachelorette party in Vegas. Here is that busy month in pics!

Then we moved into August. This month we did lots of fun things! Including celebrating Ellie's 1st Birthday!

We also celebrated the Neihoff nuptials (no pics) and Grady turning 6 months!

And of course, in September, I got a new sista! We had many events leading up to September 24, 2010, and I tried to keep track of them all!

And last but not least...our little Grady-finally got some professional pics taken! He was a VERY smiley guy and cooperated perfectly! His older sister was a different story...LOL!

Ok, done! Sorry about the length of this post. I'm sure I missed somethings, but now that I'll be updating this more ofter, we can avoid that! Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

KEH said...

Yay! Welcome back!!!! Love all the new pics...especially the last one. Precious :)