Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Turkey Day!!

Whew...are we tired! What a day we had yesterday! We woke up bright and early and headed downstairs to eat breakfast before we watched the annual Macy's Day Parade! I love it...Dan, on the other hand thinks I'm a big nerd for getting so excited about it. Oh well, Gretch and I enjoyed it at least! After that, we took baths and headed to our first stop...Gigi & Pop's for brunch. We had a great time seeing everyone!

Our next stop was off to Dan's cousins, the Bollingers. We had a blast there...and of course stuffed our faces again!

And our final destination...Uncle Shelly and Leslie's! So much fun and such good food! We were a little wiped out, as you can tell in the pics, but we rallied and had a great time with great fam!

As you can see, Grady had a perfect 1st Thanksgiving! Can't wait to pig out like that again next year!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

9 Months!!

It's hard to believe that my BABY is 9 months old! I can hardly stand it...he's going to be one before we know it!! Some of his new tricks include almost pulling up, scooting across the floor on his stomach, and eating big boy foods like mac & cheese, chicken nuggets, and ravioli. His top left tooth is about to pop through! Looks like we have some sleepless nights up ahead!

I wish I had some better pics, but here is a few from the past few days.

As you can see...this boy loves to eat!! What a great 9 months it's been! We love you Grady-boo!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Wow! What a weekend we had...tired just thinking about it! We started the festivities off Thursday night at the Kirkwood Halloween walk. It was a little chilly, but so much fun! We saw so many costumes...Gretchen was loving it! Not to mention all the candy she was getting. Gigi and Pops decided to join us and we ended up at PJ's for dinner.

Ariel and Daddy :)

Gigi, Pops, & Sebastian

We ran into our buddy Liam!For our next event, we woke up Saturday morning and headed out the front door to the 1st Annual Murdoch Ave. Kiddie Parade! It was so much fun! We invited our friend Patrick to come join the fun too. We got to wear costumes, eat donuts and cupcakes, have a dance party, decorate pumpkins, and go on a bat hunt! Our neighbor Kate seriously out did herself. We had such a great time! Here are some pics to prove it!

The whole gang!
Total parade wave :)
Parading it...
Check out these dads!
Kate & Ava!
Grady's God-mama came to visit too (& Aunt Mariette, but we didn't get a pic of her :()
Pumpkin decorating...
Gretch and Ava's dance party getting started...

And then finally, the big day...Halloween on Sunday. Poor Gretch spent the entire day sick on the couch. She did not get to trick or treat or have one bite of candy! So not fair. Since Gretch was stuck inside, Grady decided he wanted to play outside. So he and Dan handed out candy...which we ran out of in like 20 minutes! We have never had so many trick or treaters! It was soo much fun! By the end, we were handing out capri suns. Pretty fun! I sure hope Gretch feels better next year...I know she would have just loved it.

The patient...

As you can see, Gretch was feeling much better the next day! We had a great weekend, but are all soooo tired! Can't wait to do it all again (and healthy) next year!