Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fun in the Snow!

We finally ventured out to take advantage of all this snow we have gotten! Gretchen had so much more fun than last year. Throwing snowballs, falling in the snow, and of course making a snowman. Grady was sleeping for most of the "snow fun", but he did venture out right at the end. Dan was busy inside baking a cake. Yes, I said baking a cake. Can you say roll reversal? Anyways, the kids and I had a blast!

And just in case you are wondering, that would be "Shelly the Snowman". Can't wait to head out again tomorrow. Hopefully Grady can help us build the next one!

1 comment:

Life with Lucy said...

Darling!!! I can't believe how big everyone is getting. Is it almost time for a 1st birthday?